A Question About RAM / Motherboard Compatibility.


May 8, 2017
I'm in the midst of upgrading my PC right now. I'll be building an entirely new PC in the next year or two, but for now I'd like the one I currently have to be capable of running the most recent, and near future releases.

That said, I'd like to upgrade the RAM of my PC. Preferably to about 16GB.

My current Specs are..

Power Supply: Antec Earthwatts EA-650W.
Graphics Card: Was a 260 (Now Upgraded to a 760.)
Memory: 3 x 2GB Corsair TR3X6g1333c9. (6GB Total.)
Processor: I7-920 @ 2.67 GHz.
Storage: 500 GB HHD (I think. I know it's not an SSD.)
Mobo: Intel DX58So

I was wondering if someone can suggest some compatible 2 x 8 Sticks.

I have been looking at these two.



I'm just wondering if they would work? I don't have much computer experience, but I read certain speeds can damage the Motherboard of your computer if you don't do some sort of manual timing. Hoping someone can tell me if these would be safe to put in. I'm not worried about the price tag, just the compatibility / safety.

That said, if anyone has suggestions for sticks with similar GB sizes, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Corsair certify those modules; what more do you want? If they don't work, then you'll get support. The 2400 may not run at full speed on that motherboard, but get them since they cost the same.

Was hoping to get some verification that those will work safely. In addition to some advice on weather it's better to get the 1600 or the 2400. As I said, I don't have much computer experience, so what works, and doesn't is something I'd rather check than get wrong.

Thank you.