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To follow up John John:
MFC Files
"Many companies did, and still do, use MFC in their windows applications.
They would include those dll's (as they are licensed for redistribution)
with their install packages."
It would have come from any program that used MFC and included the dll in
their distribution package. Microsoft Office, for example, at least version
2002 and prior includes the mfc dlls in its distribution. Identifying
exactly which one put the copy you are specifically querying about is a
futile effort. You would need to look at every application installed on
your PC, see if the app uses MFC (many will) and then look at the install
package for the app to see if it put the exact version on your machine.
MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) is a set of class libraries that allow
C++ programmers to quickly generate robust Windows applications. The
libraries encapsulate some of the more complex code that is required for
coding C++ Windows applications. This allows for rapid development as the
programmer doesn't need to worry about, for example, how to create and
register a window class. Nor does the developer need to worry about what
styles to apply to a window in order to make it an input text box as opposed
to a label box. Nor does the programmer need to worry about what API or
message would need to be used to read the text from a window. This is all
encapsulated so the programmer need only to call a function or access a
property to get the data that is desired.
Tom Porterfield 1/15/2003
Bill Blanton 1/15/2003
FWIW, the mfc42.dll currently on this WinME machine is ver. 6.0.8665.0,
Modified 6/8/2000.
Jack E. Martinelli 2002-05 MS MVP for Shell/User / DTS
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In Memorium: Alex Nichol
Your cooperation is very appreciated.
"John John" <> wrote in message
> Also, mfc42.dll needs to be properly registered. To do so find all
> copies of mfc42.dll on your pc and rename them to mfc42.old. Extract a
> new copy of mfc42.dll from your ME cab file and place it in your system
> folder as instructed by Mart. Then, from a command prompt, use the
> rgsvr32 command to register the dll, ie: c:\regsvr32.exe mfc42.dll
> You may also try reinstalling a well written mfc42.dll dependent program
> to properly install and register the dll. As you may have guessed
> regsvr32 often doesn't work on mfcxx.dll.
> mfcxx.dll is one of these finicky dll's that can be hard to re-register.
> It has been with Windows since Windows95 and across all versions of
> Windows incliding the NT family. It will not always, or often not take
> to an regsvr32 command. In these cases third party mfc registration
> tools may do the trick.
> Explanation of Regsvr32 Usage and Error Messages
> It is not unusual to find that some (older) programs might need mfc40
> instead of mfc42 and sometimes these older programs can replace the
> newer mfc version. Sometimes, in these cases, placing the older mfc40
> directly in the program folder in question may satisfy the older
> program. Replacing the MFC Library usually does not correct mfc40 or
> mfc42.dll errors.
> Search MSKB for the dll in question and you will find more information
> on mfc42. It is part of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library.
> John
> Mart wrote:
> > Mfc42.dll is extractable from WIN_12.CAB on the WinMe CD in the \win9x
> > folder. You might also find a copy of the WIN_12.CAB in the
> > folder on your C: drive.
> >
> > You can use msconfig.exe to extract it.
> >
> > "HOW TO: Extract Original Compressed Windows Files"
> >;en-us;129605
> >
> > "Unable to Extract Files Using the System Configuration Utility"
> >;en-us;259687
> >
> > The correct location for mfc42.dll is in the windows\system folder.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Mart
> >
> >
> >
> > "Robert Judge" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>I have been errors in Windows ME lately, requiring scandisk fixes. No,
> >>when
> >>I try to run three different programs, I am getting the error message,
> >>requrired DLL file, MFC42.dll, was not found." I know there are
> >>that will provide DLL files. Should I just try to dowload the MFD42.dll
> >>file? Or, does this error message indicate some other problem? If so,
> >>will appreciate advice.
> >
> >
> >