A small problem.. maybe


Feb 3, 2014

Everytime I reboot my PC it just says "Input Not Supported" it doesn't show the starting screen (shows what BIOS, motherboard, etc. you got nor the Windows 8 loading screen.) It just goes straight to the log-in screen after that. Now I have no problem turning off my computer then turning it back on and it will load those things I said previously. I can get on the BIOS settings and etc. fine. It's just whenever I restart my PC that it will do that.

I don't know if this is a small problem or a big problem. But could anybody shed some light on why it's doing that?

My monitor is a Gateway KX2403. If you need me to post more of my specs. I'll gladly post it.

Thank you.
if your pc is an amd or intel pc that has onboard video and a gpu. what could be happing is the motherboard is switching between the two at boot. in the bios under primany display if your using a gpu set the display to pec/pci first. the other issue could be a old bios on the motherboard. the last is some intel mb were sold with this after market "mvp" software that bonds the ipgpu and gpu it can cause the black out for a few seconds. the last would be an older non windows 7/8 anti virus software.
if your pc is an amd or intel pc that has onboard video and a gpu. what could be happing is the motherboard is switching between the two at boot. in the bios under primany display if your using a gpu set the display to pec/pci first. the other issue could be a old bios on the motherboard. the last is some intel mb were sold with this after market "mvp" software that bonds the ipgpu and gpu it can cause the black out for a few seconds. the last would be an older non windows 7/8 anti virus software.
well its an intel and it does have an intergrated gpu, not sure how it keeps switching tho as the primary gpu its using is my dedicated one (evga gtx 760).
Intel Core i5-4570 Haswell 3.20GHz LGA 1150 Quad-Core Processor

if that helps anything, i dont wanna tinker at the BIOS that much so i might look at it later on but i wont change anything till i know which buttons are the right one to press.
under onboard devices there be a line that say primany display. the default will be ipgpu/pec/peg. all you do is set peg or pci as first and the ipgpu as last. at power up the mb will look for the gpu first and not the ipgpu. you wont turn off the ipgpu the pc will just buypass it as long as the gpu is working fine.
well i didn't exactly find what you were saying but i did find what gpu its using and its the dedicated one. other than that i looked all over the BIOS and didn't find the things u said