A sudden Lagg

Sep 6, 2018
Hi guys 2 days ago my laptop started to lag really hard. I did a recovery on the windows to see if its gonna help however nothing changed. I really don't know what is the problem please help if anyone had the same issue. Thanks !

Here are my laptop specs if it helps:
Intel core i7-5500 U CPU - 2.40 Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce 840M

I've seen similar effects on my Dell laptop which has 8 GB also. Turns out I had 3 different browsers active, each with 6 or 7 tabs active, and that was eating up enough RAM to cause a lot of paging. Firefox is particularly bad about gobbling up ridiculous amounts of RAM. Usually I can get around the problem by just shutting Firefox down. You didn't say what you have running when the problem occurs, so I don't know whether this could be your problem or not.

The model is Inspiron 3543.
The lag is when I open something e.g. browser, folder ,game etc.. I hadn't had any problems before I moved to the UK which was 2 days ago. I just connected to the WiFi and my laptop started lagging really hard. Also on my system information says Standard hard drive so I guess its HDD.
So I ran a full diagnostic from the Dell website and it seems that it got fixed after the process. However I didn't saw what was the problem in the first place. Thanks for your responces if I have further issues I will keep you posted. Thanks guys !