A very important question.


Jan 24, 2016
He guys I am gonna buy a i5 6600k intel.. I have already the other stuff exempt the mobo...I have to buy a mobo too..I have already 2x4gb ram crucial ballistix 1600mhz cl9 DDR3. . I saw that the 6600k must have a ddr3l or DDR4 ram.. i will have problem if I using at least for a month this rams? + plzzz suggest me a good mobo <=100 euros.. sorry about my english
Well, if I am not mistaken, it will not even detect it, because skylake chips are unable to use anything other than ddr3l or ddr4. I would first get ram, and then get a h110 mobo. If you have 100 euros, try this. It's 9 bucks over

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: ASRock H110M-DGS Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€62.89 @ Amazon France)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (€46.79 @ Amazon France)
Total: €109.68
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-09 23:35 CET+0100

Well you are in a bad dilemma., like JackNaylorPE said, you should not get a K version of a CPU and pair it with a H110. You can save money by dropping down to a i5-6400/6500, or even an i3-6100.
Or even suggest me a good cpu .i5.. I had a fx 6300 and I just brake it.. because I put a lot of thermal paste.. and when I try to remove the fan stuck with the cpu an then the pins bent.. so.... i want to buy another cpu.. I playing gta v. I downloading videos watching movie and browsing.. That's why j need my pc... I have too a ssd samsung evo 850 250gb.. a gtx 750ti 2gb OC msi dual fan.. 500gb hdd. Corsair vs 450w.... cooler Master k380 case. And a custom fan artic freezer pro 7 reV 2.... Just Me a CHEAP BUGGET Plz..

It is a bit risky buying some parts and then finding out that two of them are not compatible or not well matched.

If there's some time elapsed between the orders, an when you put build together and something doesn't work, then if you exceeded the "return period" you can't return those parts you ordered 1st and have to do a warranty claim RMA with the manufacturer.

Jack u don't understand. I am using those rams for 2 years. Actually the one of them. Because the one of them it is new. Well. Maybe i will buy a 6500 or 6400.. I will see a difference with thothose two cpus that I mention? + I had a fx 6300 without the sdd. I bought it the day I broke my cpu so I couldn't see any boot time etc... difference. .. I am listening your opinions

The idea when building a PC is to match the performance and quality level of each component so the build is well balanced. I don't even think about an SSD if the budget doesn't allow for Z170 and a k series processor

The Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3 DDR3 s under your budget (€97.81) ... It supports the 6600k fully as well as your existing DDR3 RAM. It meets all your needs so I am not sure why we are still talking about this.

Jack, because I can't spend 100 euros for a mobo right now.. if I spent 100 euros for a mobo.. I will must to buy a i3......I can spent 300 euros for mobo and cpu.. and later I will sell my ram and I will collet some money t buy a good ram.. about 60 euros..so just suggest me a cheap i5 and good mobo which I can play gta v medium -high graphics with my gpu-Gtx750 2gb oc...

Again, I don't see what's not to understand ... what's wrong with using RAM for 2 years ... my desktop is 3 years old... same RAM .... my son's was built in 2011... still using same RAM. Also don't understand why you were using two sticks and then took one out (because it's older ?) You are using dual channel RAM in a dual channel MoBo, it doesn't work as well with only one stick.

If on the other hand, one stick died, then I start from scratch. I am not a fan of H110 as old DMI, lot less PCI lanes, No M2 support, less SATA and less USB ports.

This is 128 euro, but you get a 22 euro credit for getting the 6600 instead of the 6600k so that's 106 euro outta pocket.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor (Purchased For €0.00)
Motherboard: ASRock H170A-X1 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€81.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: G.Skill NT Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (€46.76 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €128.75
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-10 01:53 CET+0100


I'd say neither. Again, not a a fan of H110 because if shortcomings noted above ... mainly the DMI as communication between the CPU and MoBo is slower, the advantage you get from the 6600 is nerfed a bit.

Tell me someone if i connect 2 ddr3 rams on i6500 (which cpu and all mobos its compatible with ddr3l and ddr4 rams..) so.. If i use them can burn my pc or rams or my psu? Please answer beofre i buy it. Pleaseee