A10 7850k - Force an Upgrade, or wait till next Year?


Jul 28, 2017
Hi Guys, at the moment I'm using an AMD A10 7850k and a GTX 960, with 8gb RAM and a standard 1TB Hard Drive.

I'm thinking of upgrading with money I'll be getting towards the end of the year, probably around £500. I'm not overly confident with building, but I have friends who are borderline experts, so there's no problem there.

I'll be upgrading to 16gb RAM just because it's fairly cheap, and I'm thinking of getting a GTX 1060 or something along those lines. I'm well aware that this will cause bottle necking issues with my processor, and I do play mostly CPU intensive strategy and etc ( which may be because I can't run GPU intensive games well ) but I think it would be worthwhile to upgrade this along with RAM and an SSD this year and get a new motherboard and CPU next year.

What do you think? Is this worth it, or should I push for a new motherboard and processor this year if I can afford it? I play games like Crusader Kings 2 and other strategy games along those lines,along with things like GTA V, Just Cause 3 and WWE 2K17 thrown in there. I play at 1080p.

Ryzen 5 1600x is just marketing move that makes you pay more for less. 1600 and 1600x can be overclocked to same clock, so you will overpay 25 bucks just for higher base and turbo frequency and you need to buy cooler too. If you look at benchmarks, i5 is better only in games, but it is better only for 3-7 FPS, and its processor usage in games is at 90%. Ryzen 5 1600 has only 50% usage. And if you choose i5, you will loose that beatiful look in taskbar, where it will show only 4 threads, instead of 12.
You won't be able to play Just Cause 3 and WWE 2K17, because they require Core i5, only Crusader Kings 2, you can play it without problems right now, and GTA V around 30 FPS. but all of these games has your graphics card in minimal requirements, so I think it will be better to upgrade CPU, MoBo and RAM now and graphics card next year. And you can play on minimal settings at least, better than not playing.

Thanks for the reply. I've been playing Just Cause 3 and WWE 2K17 fine with my current setup, but as you say it will of course be better with a better processor. As Crusader Kings 2 has a mode which just pushes the CPU to its limits (or at least pushes it hard without actually damaging it), it will help there as well.

I'm thinking about maybe going for an i5-7600k or saving up until then for an i7-6700k, in which case could you suggest a motherboard, or is there a different CPU you'd recommend? Thanks for your help.
There is for example Ryzen 3, which performs similar to i5 and costs the price of i3. It is overclockable and motherboards for it that supports overclocking are much cheaper than Intel ones. It has also prepackaged cooler that can handle some overclocking, unlike Intel, where you need to buy better cooler. Or if you want more power, there is Ryzen 5 1600, which costs price of i5 and is much better.
Thanks guys. Last question; I can get the Intel i5-7600k and the Ryzen 5 1600x for the same price, or the Ryzen 5 1600 with the cooler for a little cheaper. Would the i5 be better?

Ryzen 5 1600x is just marketing move that makes you pay more for less. 1600 and 1600x can be overclocked to same clock, so you will overpay 25 bucks just for higher base and turbo frequency and you need to buy cooler too. If you look at benchmarks, i5 is better only in games, but it is better only for 3-7 FPS, and its processor usage in games is at 90%. Ryzen 5 1600 has only 50% usage. And if you choose i5, you will loose that beatiful look in taskbar, where it will show only 4 threads, instead of 12.