A10-7890k running very slow.


Jul 28, 2016
I recently bought the A10-7890k and just plugged it into my build today. For some reason it is running very slow, and im getting less frames in everything compared to my a6-7400k. For example on CS:GO i was getting 50+ frames with the a6-7400k and its built in GPU but now with my a10-7890k im not even getting above 20 frames. Any Tips? Ive gone onto AMD overdrive and everything(cpu,gpu) even on something like twitch seems to be at 100%.

I've heard some of the new driver updates for AMD are buggy but im not sure, im not the best when it comes to pc's.

If you need more info on my build just ask.

I see, probably shouldn't have rushed into getting a better CPU. On the other hand i fixed why the a10-7890k was running so slow, I just had to reinstall my OS and it seems to be running flawlessly! Thanks for the help, probably should have thought about getting a video card instead.

Thanks for the tip though!