A320 or B350


Nov 29, 2015
My build is Ryzen 3 1200, GTX 1060 3gb. 8gb ram 2400 or 3200 mhz, im struggling to choose a motherboard, If A320 is chosen then i will apply the 3200mhz, if B350 it will be just 2400mhz
the only motherboards that are applicable here

B350 mobo
Gigabyte GA-AB350M-GAMING-3
MSI B350M Mortar

A320 mobo
MSI A320M Gaming Pro
Asus EX-A320M Gaming
MSI A320M Grenade

Recommend me a mobo only in that list
Thanks for the answers!

im not gonna overclock
You could start off with a Ryzen 2200G or 2400G, that would get you up and going with pretty good graphics, until mining slows down and a discreet video card does not break the bank. I would go with a B350 board, so you will have some flexibility. Hope this helps?

AMD Ryzen 2400G / ASUS ROG B350-F Gaming / 8 GB 2666 Crucial Ballistix
Nvidia GeForce GTX / Coolermaster 100i V2 / Phanteks P400 TG Case / EVGA 650 B3

800 dollars
South part of asia
Im just gonna buy it with just one store, and that's the cheapest of the cheap
A gtx 1060 6gb here is 400 dollars
Ram here is 100 dollars for 8gb
here a link that compare A320 and B350

B350 is preferrable.

Between gigabyte and msi above, I prefer MSI as it included a usb 3 type c which might become future standard.

im not gonna overclock my cpu tho, ports are fine with me tho
Mmm Asia will be a problem. I'm actually in Malaysia atm, passing through. GTX 1080Ti costs $1500+ here hahahah

What is the cost of the Ryzen 5 2600 and B350 motherboard in Asia? R5 2600 would be far superior to the Ryzen 3 1200

Ryzen 2600 is not here... yet, ill probably not be able to afford it, sad

then you are MUCH better off going with an i3 8100 build with cheaper ram and mobo

a 1600 is around the same level as a i7 4790

the 1200 is not in the same sphere , even OC'ed to ~3.9ghz it looses to an i3 8100
You could start off with a Ryzen 2200G or 2400G, that would get you up and going with pretty good graphics, until mining slows down and a discreet video card does not break the bank. I would go with a B350 board, so you will have some flexibility. Hope this helps?

AMD Ryzen 2400G / ASUS ROG B350-F Gaming / 8 GB 2666 Crucial Ballistix
Nvidia GeForce GTX / Coolermaster 100i V2 / Phanteks P400 TG Case / EVGA 650 B3
It's a few $ difference. By skimping, all you have done is set hard limitations on the pc. The A320 are primarily made for Office type usage where OC has no real need. It's just fine for a secretary who balances a checkbook, does a couple of spreadsheets and keeps up with a calander.

Ryzens IPC is somewhere between Haswells and almost Skylake, depending on the Ryzen. With good OC and fast ram, it'll come very close to CoffeeLake. Ryzen+ can top CoffeeLake, but not CoffeeLake K. At 4c/4t 3.4GHz a R3 1200 has a lot more in common with an i5-4690, my bad. It's the R5's that have hyperthreads.