
Sep 27, 2007
Hello, I’m hoping you’ll help this confused noob.

I’m getting a new computer with the Intel Q6600 CPU. First of all, is the IP35-E *) a good motherboard for this CPU? Assuming the answer is yes, I’m very confused about what RAM to get for it. I want 2 GB. Now, I’m not an overclocker, so I’d actually prefer getting ddr2-533 RAM, so they would run synchronous with the FSB, but they aren’t supported by the mobo. So my questions are:

1) Would ddr2-667 or ddr2-800 would work just well as the ddr2-533 with the quad, if I’m not overclocking? And which should I get (667 or 800)? And would I need to adjust the bios to get them to work?

2) Are there some RAM that are guaranteed to work with the board that has timings around 4-4-4-12? Preferably some that will work right out of the box without tweaking/adjusting voltages etc. I noticed that all the RAM on the IP35-E’s recommended memory list **) have timings of 5-5-5-15 or higher, and I also read that the board has problems with RAM with a higher voltage than 1.8, so that might be hard to find?


