Please don't turn this into a bashing Abit thread.
I'm getting ready to rebuild my computer system. I have a four year old desktop unit that had a mechanical failure for an onboard fan. I was not prepared to upgrade the system, so I bought a cheap off brand board that would use my old P4, until i had the time and research to properly upgrade. Did some online research and kind of settled on the IP35 Pro. Went into a well equipped B&M store, who does sell Abit, and found a helpful and apparently knowlidgeable salesman. Salesman said even tho they carried the Abit products, they were beginning to get too many DOA's and he wouldn't recommend them. So, I ventured into a couple of different sites trying to compare Abit to gigabyte to Asus, and about the only thing I could come up with, most people like the board(s) with 3-5% experiencing board failures. In my own personal experience, my Abit board failed twice on this computer, and my wifes computer {also abit} had one failure, hence I'm beginning to wonder if the IP35 Pro is really my best choice.
I'm getting ready to rebuild my computer system. I have a four year old desktop unit that had a mechanical failure for an onboard fan. I was not prepared to upgrade the system, so I bought a cheap off brand board that would use my old P4, until i had the time and research to properly upgrade. Did some online research and kind of settled on the IP35 Pro. Went into a well equipped B&M store, who does sell Abit, and found a helpful and apparently knowlidgeable salesman. Salesman said even tho they carried the Abit products, they were beginning to get too many DOA's and he wouldn't recommend them. So, I ventured into a couple of different sites trying to compare Abit to gigabyte to Asus, and about the only thing I could come up with, most people like the board(s) with 3-5% experiencing board failures. In my own personal experience, my Abit board failed twice on this computer, and my wifes computer {also abit} had one failure, hence I'm beginning to wonder if the IP35 Pro is really my best choice.