I recently built a pc for a friend. This was my first full pc build(CPU=Intel i5 6500 3.2 ghz LGA 1151; RAM=hyperx fury 8 gigs; PSU=corsair 600 watts; GPU=XFX Radeon RX 480 RX480M8BFA6 8GB 256-Bit GDDR5; Windows 10, and all other parts), and I must say that it went smoothly,except that the 24 pin wasn't plugged in properly and threw me a loop the next day as it wouldnt turn on the mobo, but everything else. I have only put a GTX 970 and upgraded psu into my own buisness class pc with an i7 4770k. In CS:GO, my pc gets 299fps(max) on its highest settings, 1080p. His pc only gets about 160 fps on 1024p. I have updated all the drivers on his pc, and no matter, it still lags. I have read that csgo is cpu inensive, but not to that level. Also, he runs dual monitors in windowed fullscreen, I only have 1 in fullscreen. I don't know what is wrong, plz halp.