Question About AMD USB issues


Jan 27, 2021
I have the USB drop out issue, and have a few questions. I have a MSI A520M pro board with ryzen 5 4650g and the latest update is 2021-03-15.
  1. Mostly I've seen X and B boards mentioned, might A boards also get an update for that and I should wait for it, or just try this one now?
  2. As I understand, update has to be done with an usb, can it drop out while updating and is there a risk of permanent damage because of that?
  3. Besides the USB problem, I also have an issue with headphone port, where sound appears/disappears on one or both headphone sides when rotating the jack (that's with two different headphones, and they work ok on an mp3 player) and I wonder whether it's related as there was also an issue with audio mentioned (but it's "crackling" and that I don't have)? If not, what could be the cause? It's a new pre-built pc.
Not fun 🙁 Disabled C-states and one time system froze completely after some hours (no keyboard commands helped), and the second time later it restarted after some time of internet browsing. What's with that? I use Ubuntu.