yakamaster :
its not for a new rig..he is replacing a 2nd gen i5. so what do you think of his choice?
If he had a 2-core CPU I'd say sure, go for it but he appears to have a 4-core so I'm not sure how much better performance he would get since I don't know what CPU he has. Just make sure the MOTHERBOARD supports it and his BIOS is also up to date if need be.
I made a mistake and used the "i5-3570s" which exists but I couldn't find a link through pcpartpicker. The i5-3470s only goes to 3.6GHz.
That's as good as you can get really unless getting an i5-3570K which is 3.8GHz Turbo but costs a little more and won't overclock unless your motherboard supports that.
So the i5-3470s seems like a good choice if he's adamant, but unless he's going to...