About corsair hydro series

is your right fan the one sticking on rear part or inside?? cause i've never seen anyone with the inner fan remove lol,i didn't see before any radiator view from case
Rad fans usually perform there best in pull rather than push, hence why manofchalk said to skimp on the right side fan (fan closest to the cpu). You can get both fans if you want, but don't expect much more in terms of cooling performance maybe 2-4C less with two fans.
From my reading I got that pull was slightly better, but not by much. Perhaps wherever I read that had incorrect information. And your point about cleaning is something I had never thought of.

Edit after doing some more research

Turns out i was incorrect about pull being better in performance, here is a quote from rubix (water cooling guru) from another thread:

"With 1500+ RPM fans, you want PUSH on a radiator. Less than 1000-1200 RPM, you want PULL on a radiator.

Push/pull on a radiator does not have anything to do with push/pull in reference to internal/external case orientation...could be either, depending on actual airflow direction.

Coolest air over a radiator is best, even if it from outside the case. If you have great case airflow, it really shouldn't matter if these fans are moving air inside or outside the case, as long as the fan movement over the radiator is PUSH."

And this test also points to push being slightly better than pull alone:
When I had my H80 I tried several configurations and the one pictured below worked the best for me.
The fans from the unit were replaced by 2 Aerocool Shark in push pull venting out.

