Your RAM is rated at CAS 6. That's what timings you would put the RAM at. The RAM should also have a sticker on the side that lists the rated timings and voltage.
One thing to keep in mind is that your motherboard has to have the latest F6 BIOS to support the Phenom II X4 965.
Your RAM is rated at CAS 6. That's what timings you would put the RAM at. The RAM should also have a sticker on the side that lists the rated timings and voltage.
One thing to keep in mind is that your motherboard has to have the latest F6 BIOS to support the Phenom II X4 965.
Lol- you know you can choose a best answer which will then show the title of the thread listed as "Solved" right? ;-) (shortstuff would probably appreciate the best answer too;-)