About GTX 760(cooling & performance)..!


Hi guyz, i have a question regarding the new gtx 760.. 1. which brand is good for gaming as many brands produces diffrent types of cooling facilities... 2. i heard that the refrence cooler design blow out all the heats away from the card & away from case too where the non-refrence dont have such ability to perform as refrence...as the heats stayz inside the case?
reference cards do not get better performance they just have a basic board layout and feature set that others can work from, aftermarket cards tend to have different coolers and some have radically different card designs and specs and always are better in terms of cooling.
stay away from reference cards, the coolers are only ever designed to allow the card to just run hot.

look for a card with a large radiator cooler and plenty of heatpipes as they tend to dissipate the heat very well such as this asus card http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nvidia-GeForce-DirectCU-GDDR5-Graphics/dp/B00DM9B6FO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1373714939&sr=8-2&keywords=gtx+760

dont worry that they do not blow heat out the back, just make sure you have a reasonable exhaust fan.

since aftermarkets tend to have better better radiators as long as you have decent airflow the air inside your case tends to remain cooler.
better...! But 1. Dose reference cardz throw better performance than non- reference in gaming?... 2. As we saw the new gtx 760 decreased the core from 1344 to 1152 & Bandwith 144.192gb/sec to 192.2 as soo from the previous generation gtx 660 ti, whats the actual role of no. of core & bandwith..dose this make diffrnce while playing game at max out as if we look for future coming games...
reference cards do not get better performance they just have a basic board layout and feature set that others can work from, aftermarket cards tend to have different coolers and some have radically different card designs and specs and always are better in terms of cooling.
thnx..& some people told me dont go for factory OC cardz , they might cuz a problem if u want that card to be overclock again in future...its better buy to the base clock cards & overclock it just like the msi,asus & gigabyte.... Is it true?

That is kind of misleading as well because there is no way of telling if the stock card can overclock better than the OC editions. GPU chips can perform very differently and there's no way of telling, which ones will be better for overclocking. The manufactor picks out some chips that has good head room for overclocking but that doesn't mean you can't get lucky and get a stock version that can overclock better than the one overclocked from the manufactor.

Personally I wouldn't buy an AMD card that is overclocked from the manufactor because AMD chips overclocks really well in general, while Nvidia chips can be a bit more difficult to overclock.
So if you are buying a Nvidia card I would pick up a OC edition if the price is fair. It's true that a OC'ed card may be more unstable but it shouldn't be the case when the OC comes from the factory.