About to pull the trigger on these components


Jan 22, 2016
So after days of staring at my laptop screen comparing different components, i finally think i have decided on a build. My budget is £1000 and i was looking for a fairly fast gaming machine. I have built computers previously but iv'e sold my other machines and i'm ready to build a new one. iv'e posted around on a few forums and the response hasn't been good. the first build i put together included an AMD FX-9590 and an R9 390x but i got shot down instantly due to the fact of the FX being "Hotter than satans a*shole" and the R9 390x being "a rip off version of the R9 390. so after totally reconsidering my build iv'e come up with this build; I am open to any feedback just dont roast me.
GPU : Radeon R9 390 Sapphire
PSU: Need a good suggestion (Nothing over £110)