About Xigmatek Dark Knight.


Sep 1, 2009
I've read some reviews and comments that their i7 920 idle @ 30- 35. even slightly OC to 3.2ghz.

but mine, im running @ stock speed 2.66ghz. but still my temps at 40-45c..
is that normal?? by the way i've use the thermal paste that comes with the package.. and I applied in the heatsink..

and i use some other brand of thermal paste in the cpu...

is it my problem??
40-45C is fine.
Using a better paste may provide you with 3C less, and also making sure you've applied the correct amount and bolted the heatsink down tightly. Lots of guides on the net for correct application of thermal paste (not sure if you've read them or not).

The other factor is those other people might have had better air flow in their cases. I wouldn't worry about it myself, but if you start overclocking and the load temps get near the 70's, then I'd take a second look.

Edit: also if they're talking "CPU Temp" and you're talking "Core Temp", that's roughly 3-6C difference as well. Quick google search, first guy with your setup, claimed 37C in the BIOS (which is CPU temp), so core temp would be around (vaugely) 42-43C.
Just my 2c anyway, hopefully some more people will post up with their opinions too.