Absolute best CPU I can afford for my 1150 mobo?


Nov 7, 2014
Sorry, I made a similar thread an hour or two ago but didn't really phrase my question properly.

I'm just looking to get the most out of my GTX-770 on any modern game.
I really would prefer to not spend much more than ~250$.

Again, I have a GTX 770 and an ASRock H97M Anniversary LGA 1150

What I'm looking at:








[Xeon E3-1241](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117315&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=)

etc. etc. etc. I feel like there are a thousand different options, and I'm just looking to boil them down to what would be most beneficial given my setup / expectations.

I've been told that the Xeon is the best I could do, as well as a handful of others, I'm just looking for a bit more input before I place my order.
Short answer is:
BEST VALUE - XEON (model linked) if similar price to the i5-4690

Based on your comments I recommend the Xeon if it's almost the same price as the i5-4690 otherwise get the i5-4690 (or i5-4690K if the same price as the i5-4690 for some reason).

I wouldn't drop down to a cheaper i5.

*Okay, I admit I made a mistake with the i5-4690K frequency (confused with the i7) but I want to refresh the choices because some misinformation is STILL being passed on. In terms of PERFORMANCE (not value) the three choices are in order:

#1 - i7-4790K
- can run at 4.4GHz on an H97 board if supported (probably is but can confirm with Asrock)
- has Hyperthreading (theoretically up to 30% faster at...

That was my first choice as well, but if the Xeon or anything else similarly priced would perform noticeably different to the extent that I would be wishing I had just thrown down the extra 50$ to begin with later on, than I would choose it happily.

I posted this same thread on /r/buildapc and this was the response:
"Any Haswell i5 should work, but there is no sense in getting a 4690k. Also, for around $250-260, you can get a xeon with hyperthreading."

So I feel like whatever choice I'm ready to make, someone will have a reason to talk me out of it, and I'm too un-educated on the subject to discern who's correct.
If you have any friends who work retail and sell intel products, they can get you a 4790K for $140-$90 right now off of the intel retail edge website. It's a holiday promo
Intel Xeons are actually i7's with lower clock speed. If you want the absolute best CPU for that motherboard then i7 4790 is the best that you can pick up but as it is not in your budget. So Xeon's would be the most powerful you can get.

The i7-4790K is 299$ on "neweggflash.com" I might just do this.
Marginally skeptical of neweggflash.com though, I know it is owned by newegg but I wonder if there's any downside to using this?


Devils canyon has been big in reviews, Opinions and mileage will vary though, it all depends on the users needs, and the hardware config vs the money you think its worth.. yah everyone has an opinion , and so many variables to consider. If you can get a good deal then some people will jump on it, others will pay the money for a fast solid cpu regardless . Boil it down to the 2 you like most, view some reviews on youtube , some cpu will do better in situations that others dont

*There is some CONFUSION regarding this I'd like to clear up:

1) The i5-4690K should run at 4.4GHz (Turbo) even on H97 motherboards but not overclock further. The i5-4690 however maxes out at 3.9GHz.

I can't confirm support for 4.4GHz on every H97 though I've seen it on MSI and Asus so I suspect it will work (you can contact Asrock tech support if you can't confirm elsewhere). The CPU itself is supported for sure.

2) The i5-4690K is the "Haswell Refresh" version of the i5-4670K and is slightly redesigned to run cooler and overclock higher. Not a big deal since you aren't overclocking.

If you manage to find an i5-4670K for cheaper then just get it instead.

3) A XEON CPU is not ideal. If the i5-4690K does run at 4.4GHz then the higher frequency is more important than any gains due to hyperthreading on the Xeon at a lower clock frequency. I've actually done the calculations.

*If however the i5-4690K can't run at 4.4GHz (contact Asrock) and maxes out at 3.9GHz then the Xeon linked would be better as it's basically the same CPU but with hyperthreading support (and minus the GPU features).

1) i5-4690K best if motherboard will run it at 4.4GHz like some H97 motherboards can

2) Xeon linked is best if motherboard can only run the i5-4690K at 3.9GHz

If you want a "K" CPU then you should get a Z97 motherboard as well. H97 motherboard cannot overclock. i5's are actually strong enough to deliver all that is needed from CPU's side for running a game.So i5 4590 would be sufficient and the ideal choice. But since you're asking for the best i7's are the way to go. But the power on the "K" CPU won't just be utilised. So it'll be just waste of resources.

See my post above because you're slightly misinformed on this.

As I said, the i5-4690 runs at 3.9GHz max, but the i5-4690K can run at 4.4GHz Turbo on some H97 motherboards. It can't be overclocked further but it can run at 4.4GHz.

The i7-4790K may run at 4.4GHz as well. Again, contact Asrock to confirm. I didn't mention it because it's over your budget. The i7-4790K is rarely going to give much boost for gaming. For video editing it can benefit about 15% time savings at best (I've tested in Handbrake).

In some games you'll get a SMALL benefit but currently it's pretty rare. It's difficult to predict if we'll see a benefit in the future since games are going to use threads better but then that allows the unused portion of the cores we weren't using before.

Since the i5-4690K is only $210 I wouldn't recommend it for $90 more but that's your choice. There's no real drawback.

Again though, if you can't run at 4.4GHz the Xeon if cheaper is a better way to go.

It is not turbo. It is actually overclocking. Some H97 motherboards with BIOS update have unlocked multiplier--> http://ark.intel.com/products/80811/Intel-Core-i5-4690K-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_90-GHz

I don't want to risk it right now, if the i5-4690 is the verdict, it seems reliable, and there's a 100% compatibility guaranteed with my mobo, no BIOS updates / flashing required... Then that's my choice unless anyone can sway me otherwise.

Nice Transmet profile picture btw, if that's what that is.



Yeah, heheh I just noticed that.
And why would you advise the 4590 over the 4690k, simply pricepoint?
Because the extra 20$ for what could be anywhere from .2 - .9GHz improvement seems worth it to me?


I will at some point, but for the time being I have an FM2+ mobo with an A6-5400k, (lol, the bottleneck) and an ASRock H97M that was recommended to me by members of this forum sitting around waiting to have a processor in him.

I thought it was a BUDGET issue since the i7-4790K is about $300. He mentioned it later so not sure where he stands.

Note that I screwed up with the i5-4690K running at 4.4GHz. It doesn't. The i7-4790K however MAY be able to run at 4.4GHz though he'd contact Asrock on that.

To be clear (now) the choices come down something like THIS:

#1 - i7-4790K -> only if 4.4GHz is supported

#2 - the XEON linked -> same as i7 if the i7 only runs at 3.9GHz (plus some missing GPU features)

#3 - the i5-4690

These are all compatible. The XEON is the same as the i5-4690 but has hyperthreading which CAN help at times so if the price is similar it's fine.

Sorry again for the confusion.

*so my advice is contact ASROCK about the i7-4790K's ability to run at 4.4GHz. If it doesn't, or the price is too high then I'd get the XEON instead. Again, the XEON linked has hyperthreading but does not have GPU features. Hyperthreading may not help all the time but it can at times. There are only TWO current games I'm aware of that have issues with HT (well they're older ones).

ouch :S go with the almighty 4790K then, you will see a world of difference.

sorry im from the UK, here the 4790K is £249, i forget sometimes.

You will get a 300Mhz extra from 4690K. But if you're lucky then you may get a unlocked multiplier at the BIOS. Although the motherboard may heat up if you overclock on a H97. Although this extra Mhz won't even gain you 1 fps.