Question Access MS Word files while in use?


Apr 3, 2022
When an MS Word file is in use, I mean open and being edited. It seems to lock the file, so nothing else can be done to it. Also, I see the temp file it makes in the directory. My question is, can this be overridden or changed so that another application can read the file's contents?

For example, if I have a file open in Word and I want to import it into Adobe InDesign, the dialogue will complain that the file is not ready. This is the case even if you have just saved it.
I want to be able to access the instantly saved version. Of course, I do not want to corrupt the data in the file. Does anybody know how? Thank You
Can't be done. One program at a time gets access to it.

You can save the doc, copy it elsewhere and open that saved copy with a second program. But they will not be synced so separate changes will yield 2 different files.
Can't be done. One program at a time gets access to it.

You can save the doc, copy it elsewhere and open that saved copy with a second program. But they will not be synced so separate changes will yield 2 different files.
Thanks for the reply, I get it... I wish I could do this.
We've all been there. Lol

Best I could do is open with first program, make my edits, close it and open in second, make those edits, then reopen in first.....

Figure this out and you'll be a billionaire tomorrow!!!
We've all been there. Lol

Best I could do is open with first program, make my edits, close it and open in second, make those edits, then reopen in first.....

Figure this out and you'll be a billionaire tomorrow!!!
My boss just showed me this... LockHunter
It unlocks it!
what is a PID:?
Process ID: 4928
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE" /n "C:\Temp\myTest.docx
I am going to look this up realated to Systernals.
PID is process id. That's how windows knows what data goes with what program. When you open a program or start a process it lets windows know and is given a PID for that session.

That unlocked app helps identify what is claiming to be using a file in case you need it elsewhere. Often this pops up when you try to delete something and it says you can't because the file "is in use". That would help tell you what is using it and can release the file from being associated with that process so you can use it elsewhere.

It won't do what you want though as if it unlocks the file from word so your other program can use it, then word no longer can use it at that moment cause it is now associated with the other app.
It won't do what you want though as if it unlocks the file from word so your other program can use it, then word no longer can use it at that moment cause it is now associated with the other app.
I seem to be able to re-save the Word file and keep editing it. I can use each version when I save the file. I was expecting a crash or something based on what you are saying making sense. However, so far no crash, and I am doing it.
The only problem is I want to automate this process I do not want to interact with an interface. I do not know fi LockHunter can do this.
i'm glad you at least have a semi-solution. better than nothing :)

once you know the exact steps needed to do what you need done, you can look into possibly a macro or script to automate things. if you can automate it you can assign it to a specific keyboard stroke like maybe alt-shift-a or whatever you decide to use. never been my strong suit but others here could prob help at least attempt to automate things.

i've done macros before but they were always within just an office program. never outside programs involved
Thanks for all the help and kind words. I am trying to come up with a solution to organize our business communications. We do not want to do things/write things twice. This will be a solution to keep track of things in database. This database will be parts of things that add up to finished writing. It will allow for dynamic use of content that fits a context. We use FileMaker for this database. The problem is the writing in FileMaker is not very robost. Word is well better suited for this. Thanks