Access to Fo4 Xbox game save??


Dec 15, 2017
A little bit of backstory: I spent a ton of time playing Fallout 4 on my Xbox One, and have since upgraded to a gaming PC. I would reeaaallllyy like to copy over the gave saves from said Xbox onto the PC. I did a little bit of digging and apparently this was a thing you could do on the 360, but since the Xbox uses the cloud save thing which isn't accessible by anyone there's nothing I can do. However, according to the Microsoft website the saves are also stored offline on the console.

So, I took apart my Xbox One and copied over all the contents of the drive in an attempt to find these saves. What I got were several partitions by the names of 'user content', 'temp content', 'system support', and "system update 1" and "2." None of these folders had any .fos files (FallOut Save), but there are some huge files the exact size of some of my games with no extension.

So, my question is basically: have I hit a block, or is there something I can do from here? If I have, does anyone know a fast, easy way of recreating the exact amount of items and xp in a new save via a modding tool of some sort?