News Access to Nvidia's GeForce Experience, GeForce Now Blocked Due to Glitch


Nov 20, 2010
Manually downloading drivers can be tricky for some people??? Who are these people? What?

When everyone these days is used to an app store or package manager or something else doing everything automatically for them, and with how much software is self-updating, I can see it. I've encountered people plenty of times before who've had difficulty with things like that since they're always used to "the computer just doing it for me".

Definitely more casual users are the ones that tend to struggle with that type of thing, but casual users will always outnumber more technically inclined users for sure.


Why is this even noteworthy when issues like this happen all the time to everyone? I had that recently with PSN. It happened with my email address before. It usually works again after a while and they literally said they are working on it. Don't panic immediately, holy cow... s**t happens. It will work again by tonight.

Also, who has issues with downloading drivers? Oo
Most normal users never download new drivers, and those who have to can look up guides if they are so inept thwy can't even download a simple program online. If they fail even at that, then that's their own fault, sorry.

Tac 25

Jul 25, 2021
no problem with my Geforce Experience. I have three pc here in the house, all are using GE, and none have problem.

have been using GE to record gameplay in Genshin impact for the past days. :)
Just went into Geoforce Experience and upgraded to latest driver. No problems. My Geoforce experience settings logged me in automatically. No need for e-mail response to be working.
If you are already logged in, or if you use a 2FA app like Authy to get your codes, you can still get in. The problem is for people who aren't logged in already who need the emailed 2FA code.