Question accessing an old hard drive


Jan 23, 2021
hi,i have found an old hard drive ,its an Maxtor diamondmax plus 9 80gbATA/133 HDD.
I would like to see whats on it,it belonged to my dad.
i know i could take a drive out of my pc and hook this one up to see whats on it,but is there a way i can hook it up and see whats on it without having to do that?
i.e can i buy a cable that i can hook up to the pc?
anyway,im sure someone can advise me on here
Dock would work.

Also I think you can buy a cable adapter with a power supply that would work. Sabrent is one brand name to look for.

But if its just a one time deal, it might be simpler to just connect it to your own PC internally

That contraption has IDE on it. Yes, they generally work, but you sometimes have to provide external power to drives.

I like the second one better, the power cable shown is a little longer.