Accidental Crossfire opportunity


Dec 12, 2013
i recently purchased a Radeon 7950 for 259$ on black friday, and Due to some shipping and payment mishaps (long story), i ended with TWO of them. They sent me two, and i double and triple checked but they only charged me for one. So now i have two of these which i got for only 259.00$:

So i thought i might try setting them up in crossfire, but ive never done it before and im trying to figure out if its worth it for me. The most resource heavy games i will be playing are skyrim, fallout 3 and new vegas, and saints row 4. (and fallout 4 if its ever announced). here is my build that i currently have.

my question is, is it worth upgrading my power supply to take advantage of this free crossfire? Will i even notice a difference or will i just end up adding extra heat to my case (storm enforcer with added top fan)

if i do decide to upgrade how many watts will i need? With that setup will i be able to absolutely max those games?

thanks for any advice.

290 or 290x? selling them is not really something i want go through the hassle of but will i get better performance with a singlel 290x or 290 than with two 7950s?

just the 290, if you'll look around you'll see that there's minimal difference in performance between the 2 that cannot be overcome by a simple oc. no microstuttering too.