Accidentally created a huge file that refuses to be deleted.

Mar 15, 2018
While I was using the Record feature in VLC player, the program crashed and for whatever reason, over time created a video .ts file that was about 450GB and drained nearly all of my laptop's memory. The file now can't be moved or deleted.

Whenever I'd try right-clicking it, Windows Explorer would crash and restart. I can highlight it though, so I tried pressing delete; nothing happens. Tried pressing Shift+Delete; again, nothing happened. Also tried rebooting the laptop in Safe Mode and doing the same; didn't work. FileASSASSIN crashed as well.

However I found out that I can get the right-click tab if I select another file along with it, like this, and it seemed to work for a while as the file eventually went down to 280GB after doing this and stopping mid-way. I tried leaving it "deleting" it as it is for a whole night, but it just stays this way:

Now, I have tried force-deleting it through CDM but I'm not sure I did it correctly as the file has so many hyphens and such. This is the name of the file: "vlc-record-2018-03-14-10h57m32s-Sailor.Moon.S.Ep121.x264.AC3_Simu.avi-.ts"

They sure do, heh.

Unfortunately none of these solutions worked. IObit Unlocker managed to successfully unlock the file, or so it said, but I still couldn't delete it.

You know, I actually had tried that when the problem first occurred, but because of your comment I tried once more to make sure. This time it did delete the file in Safe Mode, while also notifying me that it was deleting another file, previously invisible I assume. I guess the methods The Paladin suggested unlocked the file but it was still only able to be deleted on Safe mode. Anyways, it's gone.