Question Accidentally deleted windows 7 partition

Jul 5, 2023
So I just accidentally deleted my old hard drive partition except for that 100MB efi partition.
It started like this: I'm about to delete one of my hard drive partition because it has 2 seperate empty partition when I'm zoning out and accidentally deleted another drive partition. Now it is reported as unallocated.
I'm planning to try and recover all the data using the windows 7 repair tool that came with the installer. So:
1. Will that work?
2. Should I use a dedicated recovery tool?
3. If I use the windows 10/11 repair, would it be a wiser option?
4. Am I f*** no matter what I do to try recover the data?
5. If i do recover the data, will it be an unreadable mess or does it stays the same?
Anyone ever having problem like this? How do you solve it?
This specifically what a good backup routine is for.
Too late for this instance, but take heed for next time.

So, details...

What OS was running at the time? It is pretty much impossible to "delete" a running Windows partition.
You can allocate the space to a drive letter and try to recover it with software such as Recuva.

However, that's very uncertain. The only dependable protection for data is protection *before* you lose your data. The 321 rule is a good rule of thumb; for important files, you should have a minimum three copies, in two different locations, with at least one off site.

You may recover some of your data and you may not. You'll have to try software tools to see. But whether you lose them or recover them, use this as a learning opportunity for how to protect important data in the future. Important data shouldn't be treated as disposable data, or that's what you'll get.
Sorry for late reply, but can reinstalling windows 7 or using the windows 7 recovery tool recover the data if I use in the deleted partition? I personally prefer first party app. Third party apps are fine tho.
Sorry for late reply, but can reinstalling windows 7 or using the windows 7 recovery tool recover the data if I use in the deleted partition? I personally prefer first party app. Third party apps are fine tho.

No, unless I'm misunderstanding what you're getting at, that'll just result in you likely overwriting much of the old data, if it still lives.

You need to be using the software suggested above like DMDE. And hopefully you're not actually running the hard drive all this time.
I'm planning to try and recover all the data using the windows 7 repair tool that came with the installer. So:
1. Will that work?
2. Should I use a dedicated recovery tool?
3. If I use the windows 10/11 repair, would it be a wiser option?
4. Am I f*** no matter what I do to try recover the data?
It can be recovered .. theoretically.
5. If i do recover the data, will it be an unreadable mess or does it stays the same?
Should be fine.

1. Disconnect affected drive.
2. Install windows on another drive (or use another pc with windows already installed).
3. Install Minitool Partition Wizard Free,
4. Shutdown, reconnect affected drive, boot into windows,
5. Use Partition recovery wizard in Minitool Partition Wizard Free, to restore deleted partition.