Accidentally turned off power strip while psu was on


Oct 27, 2015
Hello, so this is what happened: I turned off my pc (shut down) however my PSU was still on. My monitor and everything was plugged in to the pc, and of course the pc and psu were connected to the power strip. The power strip has a switch for turning on and off, when i was taking out my monitor i accidentally turned the switch on and my psy was still on at the time, i immediately turned it on again. Im wondering if i did any damage and how can i test it out?
My PSU: Corsair Rmx 750x
Btw. the reason why i unplugged my monitor is because i had to pack up my whole pc due to lack of space in my apartment, so each time i need to take it out and set it up.
Theres probably nothing wrong, it would just be like unplugging the PSU from the wall (or the power going out).
Since the system wasnt running you are most likely fine.

just to make sure, so 100% nothing happened to the pc? or is there any way to check if necessary
Very few people run UPS on the PCs and suffere from power outages from time to time.

If the PC turns back on and has no blue-screens/instability then it is fine.

As far as testing it there is no aboslulte way to test it without wiring diagrams, very exepnsive test equipment and a whole lot of time.
No one goes to this extent, if it works it works, if there is a problem then figure out what part is defective.