Accidently static shocked empty case


Jun 24, 2017
I have a NZXT S340 Case and when I took it out of its box I proceeded to take off the wrapping and the styrofoam. After this I went on and touched the front panel of the case and it gave off a small but noticeable static charge. Not wanting to risk anything else I proceeded to find the closest metal device connected to an outlet to ground myself. Should I be worried on whether or not the function buttons on the case would still be functional?
If it's an empty case, then nothing is connected to anything.. you can do NO harm to the case.
Static electricity paranoia is really kind of just that anyways. Unless you've removed all humidity in your home
and then run around on the carpetting in your socks for half an hour while rubbing a balloon on your head, then
you should be fine. When you go to intall components, handle them by the edges as much as possible, and don't worry too much.