H hitme71 Reputable May 5, 2014 1 0 4,510 May 5, 2014 #1 Friend just got a second hand acer 5100 anf was playing on it and he shut the lid left for a bit and now its not coming out Of hibernation
Friend just got a second hand acer 5100 anf was playing on it and he shut the lid left for a bit and now its not coming out Of hibernation
popatim Titan Moderator Dec 2, 2009 38,954 994 135,890 May 5, 2014 #2 Possibly it was left in hibernation too long and shut itself off. Press the power button to turn it on like normal. If thats not the problem then please provide more details about what it is doing. Thanks. Upvote 0 Downvote
Possibly it was left in hibernation too long and shut itself off. Press the power button to turn it on like normal. If thats not the problem then please provide more details about what it is doing. Thanks.