Acer Aspire T3-710 upgrading gpu


May 25, 2016
Hi all,

I recently purchased the Acer Aspire T3-710 Desktop (specs below), however, I need to upgrade the graphics card and it looks like there is enough space to fit the Nvidia GTX 750ti graphics card. The current graphics card is a Nvidia gtx 745 (OEM). This current card is a single slot, the one I would like is double slot (there a 3 covered slots on the backplate + 1 uncovered being used by current GPU) It appears a large enough case but I am unsure, the fan is directly above the GPU (3 1/2 inchs roughly) although there is about to 4 inches of unobstructed space below the GPU. I think the problem would be length, current GPU 5.7" and then there is wiring in the way. So I think length wise it needs to be around the same 6" mark.

Anybody got any advice on upgrading this card? Or even better GPUs that would fit the T3-710?

The PSU is only 220w so I know I need to upgrade that also but I don't want to until I have a graphics card I know will fit.

My current Desktop specs;

Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Intel Core i7 6700 @ 3.40GHz Skylake 14nm
RAM 16GB Dual-Channel DDR3
Motherboard Acer Aspire T3-710 (U3E1)
4GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745 (OEM)
3TB HDD 5400 rpm
PSU 220w

Thanks for any help!

Thanks for the quick reply,

That's definitely the right size, but under the specification requirements for that GPU it states minimum 300w power supply, yet mine is only 220w, would that still be okay to use? I was thinking of upgrading the PSU anyways and going for a more powerful GPU than the 750ti

Yeah I was looking at that one earlier actually, think I'll give it a go! Any 400W PSU recommendations at all? (preferably quiet)

Thanks for you're help again.