Acer restore factory


Aug 22, 2013
In restoring my acer computer to factory defaults it keeps asking for a password, i have used 000000 and that doesnt work, how do you locate password for this?
if you are in user profile go to admin.. if in admin.. then
Log on to Windows as Administrator priviledges and do as follow:
a. Click Start-->Run: type CMD hit Enter on your keyboard.
b. now us the CD command of Dos to come to d:\cmos\windows. (here is: d: hit enter; cd cmos hit enter; cd windows hit enter).
c. when you are already in d:\cmos\windows in drive D then: type “ioperm.exe –i” hit enter.
d. to start ioperm service: type “net start ioperm” hit enter.
e. ok, type: “Cmospwd_win.exe /k” hit enter, we will see:

1 - Kill cmos
2 - Kill cmos (try to keep date and time)
0 - Abort
Choice :

Type 1 and hit Enter to clear cmos.
f. run the Acer eSettings Management program: start-->program-->Acer Empower Technology-->Acer eSettings Management.
g. now come to the: Bios Password to see: if you still see password enable, that means we fail but if we see they are Disable so we are done. Remember if we success remove password then we have to create a password for it and then remove it and click Apply to save to cmos memory. This is very important because sometimes we see it Disable but when reboot the computer they are Enable again cuz the password is still in the CMOS.

that's all