News Achievement Unlocked: Backblaze Hits 1 Exabyte of Storage


Just made me think of the Audible book series: Expeditionary Force. The main character meets an Elder AI that an Exabyte is like 0.00000000001% of his storage capacity.
Check the book out if you will like a story where other races have been in the galaxy for a long time and there are different tiers of races. Top tier = most technologically advanced and they control next lower tiers who control the next tiers and so on. Two of the races show up to earth to battle each other and humans get caught in the middle.
Is a byte really a single unit of digital storage, though, Tom's? I'm fairly certain a byte is 8 bits
1 byte is indeed a singular unit.. 1=1

Size is relative in that you tend to use the most convenient units for what needs measuring.

The size of a graphics card is typically measured in inches or millimeter.

1 millimeter is a singular unit but I could also measure graphics cards in picometers and give some crazy large number that isn't very easy to remember.

For example, a Geforce 2080Ti is 267000000000 picometers long isn't very easy understand unless you bring it back to millimeters ... 267 millimeters.

Even the picometer isn't as small as it gets if you wanted the smallest unit of length.

For that you would have to read about the Planck length
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Uh, I hope these guys have a good way to recycle those 125k drives, which probably don't last more than about 5 years or so.

Anyway, thanks to BackBlaze for cluing me into HGST disks. I wish I'd started using them sooner.