acre 5332 beeps but doesn't boot

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Nov 3, 2013
I have an Acer Aspire 5332 laptop. It was working OK until last week, when it refused to boot. It got as far as the Acer Empowering People screen, with F2 for boot options bottom right, but then hangs and makes a very loud repetitive beeping noise. Any ideas?

The beeps are a very short beep, repeated at very short intervals, to give an almost continuous noise. Thanks for the advice, I'll make a boot CD and see what happens
Could also be a faulty power supply or faulty motherboard, based on your description, but need to know the BIOS manufacturer to be more accurate with diagnosis. All the major BIOS manufacturer's have different beep codes, there's no standardisation (that would make it too easy for us, and they would never do that!).

Couldn't get the laptop to boot from the CD, but while repeatedly hammering on the F2 key, it did suddenly decide to let me in and booted to windows. I only needed the one file off the hard drive, so I grabbed it quickly. Thanks for taking the time to try and help. Looks like the drive is OK, so I'll take it out and copy the data, then its away to the tip for the laptop
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