Acrylic Tubing set up


Aug 21, 2015
I have just finished my first water cooling set up it does NOT contain acrylic tubing except i went with PVC Tubing, 7/16" ID, 5/8" OD, 3/32" Wall Thickness. i have a res/pump combo from Koolance ( i do have 2 pumps but only have the 1 pump installed and running using the entire res for my loop. Now i also have a 280mm rad i`m cooling only the cpu and ram at this point. I added the XSPC Photon 270 Tube Glass Cylinder Reservoir ( ) FOR LOOKS ONLY and all seems to be flowing quite nice with the 1 pump.

My question is simple i would love to add acrylic tubing but i don`t want the hassle i like to know is there an easy way to add this to my setup ? OR does anyone know a 1 stop place to get easy to install acrylic tubing installation parts etc?...


It gets a little pricey to do rigid tubing with minimal hassle and that's simply because you would use fittings to make the bends and fittings aren't cheap. It would end up looking something like this

You could do 90° bends and use fittings for multiple bend parts, that would seem to be easier (and a little cheaper)
Well thanks a bunch for a reply back i like your setup no doubt :) Yes i know those fittings are not cheap but i really like to know the easiest way or cheapiest settings to use... meaning do i have to use glue or sand paper which i dont want to use... i have seen many videos on the easy products but it seems to me no one want`s to come out and say buy this or that and this or that to get an easy to build acrylic line system... I have a blue theme going on and i`m really only doing it for show but i do have a 4.7 ghz amd 8 core stock and 32gb of 2400hz ram in in...

Thanks again!!
Not my rig, it's a custom build by Singularity Computers, video here I'm attempting multi-bends in my rig, it's a slow process right now (I'm waiting for more tubing even though I ordered double what I thought I would need) since each piece so far has had at least three bends and I've only gotten a few right.
As far as tools for rigid tubing, it'll depend on how invested you want to be but at a minimum I would recommend; a hacksaw, a reamer and measuring tape (waterblock(s), pump, rad, res, fittings and tubing should go without saying). If looking to make bends in the tubing, add on; a silicone insert for bending (and cornstarch to help insertion and removal of insert), a heatgun and gloves to handle the hot tubing while bending.
This page at FrozenCPU shows almost all the tools (that I know of) you might want for rigid tubing. No adhesives are used in rigid water cooling builds, instead compression fittings are used (that's why it gets pricey). A few more FrozenCPU links for you; Rigid Tubing Fittings and Rigid Tubing Types

Note: I use FrozenCPU for the links since (in my experience) they have one of the larger selections of liquid cooling products usually in stock, some shopping may find the products cheaper
Ok sir how is this sound i been at it again watching reading up on hard tubing like PETG/acrylic I`m leaning towards the PETG tubing and going with Monsoon products. I looked into the push in style fittings and don`t like it so i`m going with and tube is this is the correct set up so far? I asked tech support for this site and it`s slow going.

Also love the video i have seen the guys videos a lot again thanks a bunch for your time

BTW i already have a water cooled setup just not hard tubing like petg or acrylic
Yep, so far, so good.

I was looking at the Singularity build and came to realize there's easily $200 worth of fittings alone in that thing (wow!) which is one reason why I continue to struggle with the complicated bends in the tubing itself. Perhaps there's an economic/frustration balance between the strategic use of some 90° fittings in the loop (may avoid multiple bends that way - those seems to be the toughest to get exactly right)