Active primary Partition


Aug 24, 2012

This is my fault but I have 3 out of my 4 hard drives marked as the active primary partition in disk management of Windows 7 64 bit home premium. actually the c drive where the operating system is should be the active boot partition so the next 2 hard drives are set to active primary. and the last hard drive is not. So now I'm afraid to boot my computer for fear that it won't boot. Cause I have been reading that if more than one hard drive is set to primary active partition your computer will not boot. So I'm wondering how to make just these partitions for these hard drives inactive again so that I do not chance my computer for not booting. The first boot device the c drive is a ssd drive and it says Healthy, system, boot, active, primary, partition and the f and the h drive just say primary active partition And the last one says Healthy Primary partition. Do I have anything to worry about in terms of my computer not rebooting if I need to restart it for anything Like if I loose power or something? Or is there a fix to mark the drives as inactive. Meaning just the partition. I can still use the drives right after correct?

I restarted my computer I took the chance and everything was fine. So now I'm not sure if it's true or false info that a computer will not boot if more that one hard drive is set to active partition. Do you know of any easier software that could do this for me or is what you sent me the only fix. My computer booted fine so I'm not sure if there is a problem or there will be in the future.

Thanks Kinnyr90


I will. Okay Let me ask. You think that's true though that if more than one hard drive is set to primary active partition that a persons computer, desktop, or laptop, will not boot up? Cause I rebooted twice now, and, my computer rebooted fine both times. I found partition wizard 8 right click the drive and scroll down to Modify and then select set inactive. That fixed it for me. I'm still not sure if it was broke sort of speak to begin with cause like I said I was able to reboot both times with the 2 hard drives not including the c drive marked as active primary partitions.


Okay so you can have all hard drives as active. primary without any problems like not being able to boot as long as your not dual booting more than 1 operating system correct? Cause the other two hard drives were active also but there was no operating system on it. So I guess what they mean in the articles I have read is that you will have problems with more than one hard drive being the active primary hard drive if you are dual booting. So in that case that is where your computer may not boot. Correct? I just want to figure this out is all so I completely understand it. I only have 1 operating system so I will avoid it. I just want to make sure I understood the articles cause they did not say this about other operating systems.

Thanks a lot.
