[SOLVED] Adaptec 71605q used prices?


Apr 10, 2016
I'm setting up a home Linux-based media server, I was planning on doing a RAID 6 with 8 mechanical drives. I thought I'd pick up a used RAID card for this purpose. I thought the Adaptec ASR-71605 would fit the bill and could be had for less than $200. Researching them a bit I found there's a 71605q model, the 'q' meaning they have a feature where they can also use SSDs for caching (Adaptec calls this MaxCache). However these 'q' models are typically over $1000 on the used market. I doubt I need this MaxCache feature, but out of curiosity, why are these 'q' models so much more expensive? Is MaxCache really worth that much more in the right application?

Why RAID6? How many users will you have that you need RAID6?

RAID is NOT a backup. If you get an encrypting virus on your server, all your data is gone. If a fire burns you house down, all your data is gone. If your 2yo gets access to your system somehow and starts pressing buttons including delete, your data is gone. Even with RAID 1, 5, 6, etc. Unless you have lots of users, and I mean way more than a normal family would have, you really don't need RAID. What you need is a good backup solution. Which isn't RAID.
Why RAID6? How many users will you have that you need RAID6?

RAID is NOT a backup. If you get an encrypting virus on your server, all your data is gone. If a fire burns you house down, all your data is gone. If your 2yo gets access to your system somehow and starts pressing buttons including delete, your data is gone. Even with RAID 1, 5, 6, etc. Unless you have lots of users, and I mean way more than a normal family would have, you really don't need RAID. What you need is a good backup solution. Which isn't RAID.
This doesn't appear to have anything to do with the question I asked. Why would you care what RAID level I run? Why would you assume, at all, that I don't have a backup solution? For that matter why would you assume this is a production system, or even for family use...perhaps my home is also my professional office.

Per my original question, I'd be more interested in the read and write IO metrics of the 71605 vs the 71605q with the maxcache feature enabled and configured illustrating significant cost/performance benefit. Your ramblings on RAID levels and the merits of backups are trivial and uninteresting.

But thank you for the time you spent replying.
Every day we have people who come in looking for RAID controllers thinking thats what they needed to make sure they didn't lose their data. Every day I tell them that RAID isn't a backup solution and they need to rethink what they are doing. Pardon me for thinking you were another person like that. You didn't say anything about use or environment so I had no data to go on. But if you are going to be rude like that I will bow out and wish you luck on your search.