T talems Honorable Mar 1, 2013 2 0 10,510 Mar 2, 2013 #1 I am planning to buy this RAID Card, Adaptec 7805. Anyone know of another RAID card that can compete with the Adaptec 7805 that I may want to consider?
I am planning to buy this RAID Card, Adaptec 7805. Anyone know of another RAID card that can compete with the Adaptec 7805 that I may want to consider?
Emerald Titan Aug 28, 2005 15,925 11 70,865 Mar 2, 2013 #2 the only other one would be the LSI http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816118195 Upvote 0 Downvote