Adapter 150mbs vs 300mbs


May 20, 2013
okay okay Hi everyone. I have been searching for this answer in many different wording on google and I cannot find a satisfying answer.

Lets suppose the router is adequate for the question please.

Am I really going to see a speed difference in a Wireless adapter 300mbs rather than a 150mbs when the wired conexion speed caps at 900ks in Steam and there are a lot of people in the house using different devices ??

and if possible why ?
For gaming, no you wouldn't see a difference in throughput (transfer rate) if you had a strong 150mb connection to the router, but a better adapter may offer lower latency which WOULD effect gaming and site responsiveness. The concern I would have is headroom. At 150mb, you're giving yourself less wiggle-room for obstacles like walls, distance, interference, etc. If you went with a 300mb adapter, you would have better performance from a poor signal than a 150mb adapter would, if that makes sense.


The other benefit (assuming an N300+ router) is that your will use less of the total TIME transmitting data which allows other devices access. The router can only communicate with one device at a time so the sooner one device finishes a transmission the sooner the next device gets a time slice.
Depends on your ISP. It probably wont make a diff. Whatever speed you download at now, will probably be the same

It'll probably be faster transferring over the network at home

A 300mbps adapter wont double or triple your download speed

Altho if you're using Win 10, I wouldn't rely on TPlink adapters.

Their drivers for Win10 for most of their adapters dont exist. Most of them only have Win7/8 drivers on the site

I'm using 3 WDN3200's which are TPlink. They work fine in Win 7 and 8, but after I updated to Win 10, the 5 GHZ wouldnt appear.

I had to download a separate file, so both 2.4 and 5 would work



For gaming, no you wouldn't see a difference in throughput (transfer rate) if you had a strong 150mb connection to the router, but a better adapter may offer lower latency which WOULD effect gaming and site responsiveness. The concern I would have is headroom. At 150mb, you're giving yourself less wiggle-room for obstacles like walls, distance, interference, etc. If you went with a 300mb adapter, you would have better performance from a poor signal than a 150mb adapter would, if that makes sense.



I was talking about an adapter. The maximum speed is determined by BOTH the router and the adapter. A 450Mbit adapter connected to a wireless G router will only get 54Mbit. Even though you thought poorly of my answer, it is still accurate. Your OP said "Lets suppose the router is adequate for the question please", I was just trying to give you an additional benefit of N300 over N150. You may have 10Mbit WAN speed, but if you have multiple devices attempting to access it, they will be limited by the slowest one, because that device takes more time to transfer the same amount of information.


May 20, 2013

I do have problems with multiple walls and a floor. So you really think this would improve the stability of my signal ?