Question Added 2 dimms (to existing 2) and computer will not boot/just powercycles with all 4 dimms installed


Jul 11, 2010
I'll try to make this short and sweet, but i can't figure it out at this point

MOBO: z170x-gaming 3
RAM: two 8GB ddr4 hyperx dimms (total 16gb)
--1.2v 2400MHz

I'm trying to add another 16gb via 2 extra dimms from crucial, which are the same speed and voltage, etc...

The computer will post and fully boot with either set of 2 in either channel/slot sequence(so either 2 crucial dimms OR 2 hyperx dimms and in slot 1/3 or 2/4). but with all 4, it will not boot.... after power on, screen stays black and then after idk, 20 seconds or so it just shuts down and restarts itself on repeat.

in BIOS the advanced mem settings are basically all auto, speed 24 multiplier (automatic), volt 1.2....

only thing out of the ordinary i'd say is the memory setting is on 'enhanced stability' instead of normal, which i'm about to change after this next boot and try that.
i'd greatly appreciate any insight... if its too much of a headache i'll just send it back i suppose or reach out to crucial.....gah!

thanks in advanc