added ssd, how to continue a game

Sep 5, 2018
had a toshiba 2.5 500GB HDD (had windows 10 was main drive for everything) NOW is (D: ) -SECONDARY drive.

added a kingston 120GB SSD (already had windows 10) now is (C: ) - NOW PRIMARY drive

i have updated both drives with latest updates of everything!!!!

i can play games from (D: ) drive. however it starts my progress all over. (even though i had game saves there. so how can i acess the game save from the (D: ) drive. mind you the game is ALSO on the (D: ) drive.

Solution will still save to C.....but the files are so small I doubt you will notice the space missing.

There are basically two ways I can think of to get them to store to D.

One would be to uninstall/reinstall the game on D.

....and one would be to configure the game to save the files on D.

I don't know specifically how you would do this for each game.....but I imagine it's possible.
Well.....I think you have to do one of two things.

The games are looking for the save files on the C Drive....and now they aren't that's why you are starting over.

One thing you could do is move the save files from the D Drive to the C Drive. They must me put in the same location they were in on the old C you need to have them in the right directory with the right directory tree on the C Drive.

OR.....somehow.....and this will depend on the game I will need to tell the game where the files are on D. I don't know if the games will even let you do this.
so the files are in (D: ) users > name > Documents > arma 3 - there is my profile files in here. there is also a folder called SAVED.
so this is CLEARLY what I need. however, how do I then move it to (C: ) and can I keep it on BOTH drives like just copying it or do I physically have to move the data
You can keep it on both drives because I don't think the game even knows they are on D.

As far as making the directory tree the same....

lets say something is in D:\top directory\next directory down\files you want

just copy it over so it is C:\top directory\next directory down\files you want

does this mean that it will save to my ssd (C: ) cuz I was hoping to keep all files on (D: ) but be able to still run programs through (C: ) cuz that's where the OS is. and I know from research writing to SSD (too many times) can make it die will still save to C.....but the files are so small I doubt you will notice the space missing.

There are basically two ways I can think of to get them to store to D.

One would be to uninstall/reinstall the game on D.

....and one would be to configure the game to save the files on D.

I don't know specifically how you would do this for each game.....but I imagine it's possible.