Adding/Installing New SSD Question


Aug 4, 2013

I recently purchased an 500gb 850 evo, and I wanted to know how to install it so that windows is on the SSD. Currently I have a 1tb HDD that I want to keep. I just want the SSD to boot windows, and then move a few applications and games to the SSD from my HDD while still keeping all that is on my HDD. Any help is appreciated!

Also any suggestions for a good sata cable?
Clone/migrate, not "copy"

And yes, you can use either drive for whatever you need.

SO, get that total used space to below 450GB, and then we can go into detail of 'how'.

1. How much total used space is on the current C drive?
(you can't move only the OS, or 'a few' applications)

About 665gb is used up

Then you'll need to do some adjustments before considering a cloning operation.
The total used space needs to be below 450GB to be able to do that.

There is no function to pick and choose the OS or applications.

1. Do you have another drive to copy stuff to temporarily?
2. The Samsung Data Migration gives you the opportunity to leave out files like doc/music/video. Other than that, everything goes.

So, ho much of that 665GB is doc/music/funny cat vids/Steam games?

I don't think I'd have too much trouble getting down to 450gb. I just thought there would be a way to keep stuff on my HDD while moving windows to the SSD. Seems as though copying is the only way? After the copy I'd be able to save to either drive and use both for different applications, correct?

Alright, Im in the process of doing so. I currently don't have the SSD, if you'd like to get to the how part now that's fine. Also, thanks a bunch for your help so far.