adding surveillance to my PC


Dec 22, 2013
I built a fairly high end gaming PC, with plenty of room for expansion.

I also have a security camera (4 cameras) with BNC connectors running on a separate DVR, which I have never been able to network.

Can I add these BNC cameras to my new PC? I would love to have about 8-10 cameras, but would also like to have everything consolidated to this one PC rather than several computers running.

You can buy pci or pci express bnc cards to your pc but it will tax your hd a lot writing 8-10 streams all the time and that may interfere with your pc usage high end or not. I've built older pcs into security boxes before. I much rather put the load on some older oc than mine. Imo
It is a gadspot camera DVR, with 4 cameras.....I would have rather have had 8, but money was an issue at the time. Maybe I can give it another shot at networking, I don't remember what the probmel was exactly.

I don't want to tax my new setup, so Ill try to get this one going again or build a cheaper PC for it.

thank you both.....I'll add back to the trhead when I know what I am having trouble with on networking.
Looking at, the 4 ch systems don't seem much different than my current 4 ch Lorex system. Probably come out of the same factory.

The OS is a Linux variant, but maddeningly, it uses ActiveX to display in a browser.
But I can easily access from inside the network, and open the proper port through the router/firewall, access from anywhere.
My problem was with the IP addresses if I recall correctly...this was almost 2 years ago though, and I have come a long way(relatively speaking) with computers. It still records though, just if I needed to access it, I'd need to connect a monitor to it and search. I haven't yet, knock on was purchased in response to a break in.

I'll take another stab at it very soon and see where I get.
BTW...I am assuming by your name, you are US Air Force?

My friends daughter just enlisted, she starts in June when she graduates high school. She is slightly wayward, hopefully it gets her in line :)

Retired USAF. Good luck to her. Either it will straighten her out, or not. I've seen both, but more of the former than the latter.