Addressable Headers on Motherboards


Jan 12, 2016
I am curious if anyone knows why or can reason out why companies like Asus use a weird, non-standard "4 minus 1" pin (best way I can describe it) connector on their addressable headers instead of the essentially industry standard, generic 3 pin JST connector that's on 99.9% of non-PC branded addressable LED strips and other LED products? Is it only to lock someone into their ecosystem? It's the main reason why I use a generic, non-pc branded digital LED controller and free LED control software like LED Strip Studio 2, Chromation Systems ColorMotion v1 LED Control Software, GLEDIATOR, etc. Also because even a $10 generic controller can handle 2048 pixels while Asus' header can only handle 150...

Is it safe to assume you've never bought any Apple, HP or Dell products?