Adjust the screen resolution


Jun 28, 2014
Hi there, I have an AMD FX 6300 Black Edition processor,Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 Black Edition MB and 8GB RAM.My computer shows that it has 512MB shared graphics.

My monitor is Samsung 20 inch LCD.But,i cannot change the screen resolution to 1600x900.It is just not there in the screen resolution dropbox. I have to work on 1280x1024 and going to any higher resolution than that,my screen shows that it is not optimal mode and the optimal mode is 1600x900.

Please help me out.
The fact that the FX line of processors are designed to be used along side a dedicated GPU (they have no on board graphics at all as far as I know) would mean yes you have to get a dedicated GPU for higher resolutions. You will be using the motherboards onboard graphics at the moment.
No your operating system shouldn't change anything, its just simply you dont have enough graphics power or memory for 1080p. Usually to game at 1080p you need at least 2gb of memory on your graphics card so keep that in mind if you plan on gaming at 1080p :)