adobe Flash player


Aug 24, 2015

I have windows 10 and I recently had to restore my operating system. Before this though I was using the maxthon web browser if anyone is familiar with this one. I can't remember what version of flash I had but it was not the newest version 21. or soemthing like that well before I restored I was able to use the flash player to run you tube videos because I installed a maxthon exstention called disable html5 in you tube. So it disables that and uses flash player instead and I was able to use thatand I was able to get sound out of all 4 of my desktop speakers when running you tube videos. and now since restoring I can't. And Maxthon is the only browser that would allow me to run the videos out of all 4 of my speakers. My sound controller realtek onboard is working just fine Meaning that I can run anything on my computer out of all 4 of my speakers just not when I watch you tube videos so I know my sound controller is working fine. Realtek would not have localized the problem to just be when running you tube videos that I could run out of all 4 of my speakers So I'm not sure what the issue is. Could you maybe tell me what older version of flash player will work for this issue to run the videos out of all 4 speakers when watching you tube.

Thank you so much!


Win 11 Master
i think the change is in the Realtor drivers, not the browser. Before i fresh installed win 10 I could get surround out of all speakers when watching youtube, but ever since I cannot without running a fake 3d setting my speakers have, or using dual stereo. If the video is recorded in stereo, that is all you get, If its recorded in 5.1 then you get more.

I used chrome, no flash at all and it apples there too. There were settings for it that allowed 5.1 but they no longer work either.


Aug 24, 2015
I don't know why an older version of flash wouldn't work though. Cause I know this issue is not with my sound controller And it just worked just days ago before I reinstalled my operating system. It should work for my desktop speakers



Aug 24, 2015

Well I sent a message to Adobe and I have not yet got a response I just sent it a couple of hours ago. it's ridiculous why html 5 can't run youtube videos out of all 4 speakers. would not even have to go through any of this if it could I wouldn't have to install the maxthon exsetntion that disables html 5 in you tube. I know that before I reinstalled my operating system I was using a slightly earlier version of flash with of course the exsetntion installed.


Aug 24, 2015

The thing is I don't think this is a browser issue and I was having trouble with my password so I had to send them an email to reset it. And I don't have a response yet. I think this is a flash player issue. I may try an older version with maxthon see if that works that will either confirm or rule it out.