Adobe, Photoshop, 3Ds Max

Theodwros Tenizis

Jul 19, 2014
Hi, i need your opinions for a pc that can easily handle the softwares in the title (Adobe Premiere, Photoshop and 3Ds Max). Budget is around 3000 euros, max 3500. Thank you.
Well with a budget like that, I assume you're doing professional work? Any PC will easily handle those programs (photoshop doesn't need a good processor), but could you at least give us an idea of what kind of footage you're working with in premiere, how large your projects are, and how important time is to you? Like, for example, would the difference between a 30 minute render time and a 50 minute render time in premiere be worth almost 2000 euros to you?

Theodwros Tenizis

Jul 19, 2014
Hi, the build is not for myself but i have been told that the guy who needs it wants it to handle those softwares very very good. I dont think a quattro will be necessary, i was thinking for a 1080 non ti 32gigs of ram and a good processor but am not really sure about the cpu because as every other person we are trying to get the best at the minimum price.