__For many, the cloud version of Adobe CS will seem attractive > there is not a need to spend $2,500+ all at once, the hardware performance and storage requirements may be substantially reduced,and updates and application management will be handled externally.
__However, I definitely never will be floating on the Adobe clouds. This is for several reasons >
_1. I tend to use CS applications in binges such that a continuous meter running is nonsensical. > This is because most of my time is spent in content creation in other applications such as AutoCad, Sketchup, Solidworks, and WordPerfect, and is combined with recorded sound and video and then CS is used to create presentations and proposals. I would never accept that the meter was continuously running on applications that might be used a couple of no hours in one month and a hundred the next and for which access would become denied if I didn't feed the meter. For me content creation = 95%, and CS=5%.
_2. Importantly, I can't allow the CS content to be streamed and stored externally. Much of my CS work is based on technical / industrial designs and produced for clients that are very protective, Patent applications, academic communication, and as proposals to manufacturers. The chances of loss or viewing in transit or hacked in storage are impossible to completely exclude. It's not a paranoiac stetch to consifer that Adobe might monitor stored content, "in order to improve our service" or to "protect from possible errors". I imagine Adobe may find considerable resistance to cloud computing in the privacy and security realm. Some may recall past protest of the content relevant ads in google gmail- a sign of individual monitoring of email content and more recently, the notice of copyrighting and sale of Facebook images from which Facebook had to retreat. Remember all the call-outs of "FaceCrook" while it tries to intensify monetization.
_3. I use CS4 and frankly do not use but a small portion of the capabilities, so access to updated versions and the cost is unnecessary.
__I think many whose work with CS is not the final content and primary work, but rather a support to other creative content applications, will have similar objections to cloud-only CS. In my view, both ends- the binge user such as myself, the user who does not need the most advanced capabilities (me also), and the very serious user, the less likely they'll fly among the clouds. The bright part of this will be that just before to a few months after the time CS goes cloud-only there will be a spike in CS6 sales, but I predict a revenue drop for Adobe after a few months into the cloud-only era as users object to relinquishing control of important applications and especially their content. Adobe has for a long while produced applications far more elegant than Microsoft, more capable than Corel, and more integrated than anyone else, but they no longer have a monopoly on these qualities, and have significantly neglected certain areas of 3D applications, sufficient CAD integration and associated animation and rendering.