ADSL modem as wifi router for laptop's internet (USB EVDO MODEM)


Oct 7, 2014
The situation is, I have an ADSL Modem+Wifi router of BSNL (teracom). I use internet on my laptop via Reliance EVDO USB modem. What I actually want to do is to share the internet connection of that USB modem through the LAN port of my laptop to the ADSL modem+router so that I can have a WiFi internet connection as well. I am already using Laptop as Hotspot, but what i feel, the ADSL modem+router can give me a better range than laptop's Wifi. Don't wanna buy any new hardware, just wanna do with this stuff if possible. How can i achieve the goal???
You need to use ICS and then use the router as a AP. It should have a little better abilities than the hotspot software on your PC but you are still using your PC as a router which is ok if you are careful not to use the PC to heavily. In the long run you would best be served buying a router that supports broadband usb modems directly.

thanks for the reply. i tried ICS, the same way as in the case of MS virtual wifi adapter. But the problem is with the configuration. there is no internet access for the ethernet through which i have connected the adsl modem. any specific settings to take care off???

If it does not even have the ICS option on the ethernet port I have no clue. Anytime I have set this up it was pretty straight forward follow the directions on microsofts site. I would start very simple plug the port into the router and plug a wired PC into the router also. This is just using the router as a simple switch. You second PC should get a ip from the first one. Be sure to disable the DHCP on the router though.

thanks, will try with DHCP disabled. Will also post a screenshot as i feel the ip has to be entered manually in the AP. :)

Here are some screenshots of the network adapters, might help in understanding the situation!4464&authkey=!AC2r3q78NtfvPkU&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG


plz see and tell me a solution, as i am not able to get internet on the ethernet which is connected to a ADSLmodem+router. I have shared my USB modem's internet with ethernet from the sharing tab of USBmodem's settings. tried with DHCP disabled, but no fate. i am able to access my Homegroup via wifi through the router and can access my shared files.
Kindly provide a solution ASAP. :)