Adsl Static ip + NAT


Sep 21, 2015
Hello guys,
I simply have a static ip from the ISP that i want to use on my router while being able to use nating to connect other devices like wirelss phone/pc.
My router doesnt support that i can only use it to assign the ip to only 1 device and that's it. "No nating with static ip"

Now this shouldnt be hard topology, but i need to know the feature name to buy a ruter that supports it. If you can also recommend some router models for linksys or dlink that will be great.
Thanks in advance

Never heard that before.

I think all you have to do is to add your own router behind the modem and that will provide the NATing. Should be as simple as that.

If the ISP told you "no nating with static" what they are really saying is, "you want it, you do it yourself."
Well they didnt say that but the router/modem i am using d-link DSL-2740B doesnt support that
So i was given ip address to put 1 on my pc & the other to set on my router as default gateway for my pc while disabling nating.
So i m asking about routers/modem models that may help me
Thx for replying
OK, went into the trouble of downloading the manual for the d-link, and BEHOLD, it got 4 LAN ports on the back AND it's got WIFI antennas to boost, that means it MUST do NAT. I am not going to read the whole manual for you. Your task is very simple:

1. Configure ds-link WAN port with the static IP the ISP gave you.
2. Turn on DHCP, use default LAN IP or use standard, this will be the IP of the d-link on the LAN side.
3. Configure all your computers for DHCP.
4. Reboot everything.

That's it.