Hey guys, hoping for advice here. Need to make a new computer soon, before December/christmas. I currently have a PC from 2008 running Windows XP pro haha. ATI 5770 😉 Which means I never had the opportunity to play BF3 and can't play BF4 Or PlanetSide 2(without crashing after 15mins). Only played BF2 and Bad Company 2 on PC, among other games.
I'm struggling with what Video Card is the best option now and moving forward. This is my dilemma:
Wait for new R9 290x with better cooling solutions form Gigabyte, Asus, Sapphire, etc or get 280x crossfire now.
I'm struggling with what Video Card is the best option now and moving forward. This is my dilemma:
Wait for new R9 290x with better cooling solutions form Gigabyte, Asus, Sapphire, etc or get 280x crossfire now.
- ■280x is older tech but better price/performance when crossfired
■290x is new tech? but have to wait longer for better cards late november/december or early next year?
■could crossfire 290x next year, April/May?
■ if I get 280x crossfired, I can purchase them now?
■ waiting 2-3months isn't really an option T_T
■ making a new computer from scratch, want to try and buy the most latest hardware I can afford in my budget